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The Honours Society

Do you want to study at one of the UK’s top universities? The Honours Society will help to turn your ambition into reality…


The Honours Society is for high performing students whose aspirations are to progress onto competitive courses at top universities, such as Oxford, Cambridge and other Russell Group institutions.
You bring the motivation, dedication and passion for your subject and choice of career; and our teachers, tutors, and careers team will provide a specialist package of support throughout your time at Connell to help you achieve your next steps goals.


The best universities now expect future academics to possess a range of core skills - educational research, oratory and critical thinking - that are vital for 21st century professional success. We’ll help you develop these skills, as well as stretch and challenge you to stand out from the crowd with your university applications.
We’ll offer tailored guidance, personal statement support, interview practice and academic enhancement to help you achieve your full potential. You’ll get involved in extra and super-curricular activities and experiences. You’ll get the opportunity to:

  • Join the high performance programme, Zero Gravity
  • Be part of the prestigious Brilliant Club
  • Take part in specialist widening participation programmes by acclaimed organisations such as the Sutton Trust

We’ll help to build your confidence, knowledge and improve your chances of achieving a place at a world-class university.

The Honours Society runs alongside your regular academic work.


Academically gifted students who achieve six GCSEs at grade 7 are automatically enrolled into The Honours Society when they join us.

Shujon's Story

Shujon joined us from Dean Trust Ardwick. She has 9 GCSEs at grades 7-9, lives in Ardwick and is looking to pursue a career in Dentistry.

What courses and universities have you applied to?

  • Dentistry at The University of Manchester, The University of Leeds and The University of Liverpool
  • Dental Hygiene at The University of Manchester and The University of Leeds

What careers support did you have whilst at Connell? 

  • Staff: One-to-one support from Ali and Sharon.
  • Conferences: I was told about and attended the Medic Mentor’s Get Into Dentistry University Conference. I was able to meet dental and medical students, ask questions, and gain an insight into the application process and life as a dental student.
  • Volunteering: I had volunteering opportunities shared with me. I volunteered with a tuition centre and my high school.
  • Widening Participation Scheme: I was told about and joined the Manchester Access Programme run by The University of Manchester. It’s a widening participation scheme for Year 12 students in Greater Manchester. They help students who meet specific criteria gain a place at The University of Manchester, or another research-intensive university, through a range of online and on-campus events, workshops, an academic assignment, application support, and university life prep.
  • Open days: I attended the open days at The University of Manchester and The University of Liverpool.

What do you think about Connell’s careers support?

“I have had lots of support from staff - including Ali and Sharon - which helped me pin down what I want to do. I wanted to have a medical career but during Year 12, I did a lot of research and decided I wanted to pursue Dentistry. I received lots of support to help me choose a profession, course and university. This included finding out about and being encouraged to go to conferences, volunteer, join the Manchester Access Programme and attend open days.”