Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
Our college has always been a diverse and inclusive community – it’s one of our greatest strengths.
We’re committed to the co-operative values of Trust:
- Self-help
- Self-responsibility
- Democracy
- Equality
- Equity
- Solidarity
Our Ways of Being guide us in how we educate our young people and work together to help them prepare to succeed in their next steps. Our inclusive culture takes work and we continue to review our ways of working to retain our family feel as we grow.
Our Ways of Being:
- Succeed Together
- Do what matters most
- Show you care
- Be yourself always
We challenge stereotypes and promote equality of opportunity across the Connell community.
We ensure that Connell provides an inclusive, welcoming, and vibrant culture so that all students and staff feel valued, respected, and engaged.
We promote equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) through our CORE and academic curricula so that students have an opportunity to discuss their views in a supportive environment.
As a fully inclusive college, we’re proud to celebrate diversity! We celebrate and mark lots of awareness days, weeks and months throughout the year. Some of these include:
- Autism Awareness Month (April)
- Black History Month (October)
- Christmas (December)
- Diwali (October/November)
- Easter (March/April)
- Eid Al-Fitr (March/April)
- Fairtrade Fortnight (September)
- Gypsy, Roma and Traveller History Month (June)
- Hanukkah (December/January)
- Human Rights Day (10 December)
- International Day of People with Disabilities (3 December)
- International Holocaust Memorial Day (27 January)
- LGBTQ+ Pride Month (June)
- Remembrance Day (11 November)
- Women's History Month (March)
- World Environment Day (5 June)
We run events and provide more information about the topics during CORE, the Hive, the internal screens and Friday Notes.
Objective 1: To embed equality, diversity and inclusion into the curriculum and teaching and learning practises.
The Trust and its academies will work towards a curriculum, and teaching and learning practices which:
- Are inclusive
- Show respect for and appreciation of one another as individuals
- Prepare pupils for life in a diverse society by encouraging respect for linguistic, cultural and religious diversity that exists in local communities and the wider world
- Develop personal and cultural identity in all pupils
- Widen educational and personal horizons of all pupils if limited by factors that compromise equality
- Are proactive in tackling discrimination
- Promote benefits of diversity
Objective 2: To embed equality, diversity and inclusion into the college.
We will continue to monitor and analyse student achievement and progress by ethnicity, gender and disability, and act on any trends or patterns in this data which identify the need for additional support for students with the aim of narrowing the gap for equality groups.
We will create and promote opportunities for staff voice, and debate & dialogue, around these key issues.
During 2022/23 we:
- Held our biggest ever Culture Day through a range of interactive events and activities - all designed and led by our students. This day embraced the diversity of staff and students across the college and gave all the opportunity to recognise and celebrate their heritage.
- Increased the number of our staff working towards incorporating and leading EDI across the college both within the curriculum and during social times.
- Worked with our newly appointed EDI link governor who quality assures and critically reviews our progress in this area to discuss our plan for the coming year.
- Started our applications towards the Equaliteach Award; the Rights Respecting Schools Award; and the Anti-racism Award.
- Worked with subject areas to record EDI activities and engagement within their curricula. We continue to do this.
- Surveyed our staff and students on how we can improve the EDI model across college.
- Surveyed our parent body on how we could improve the EDI model as a college.
- Appointed a member of the college leadership team to lead on EDI and to work with nominated representatives from the student council and our link governor.
- Ensured staff were aware of flexible working arrangements when necessary.
- Increased the space available for prayer and private reflection during religious periods from student voice.
In addition, for 2023/24 we will:
- Begin our application for the Rainbow Flag Award with staff trained by Rainbow Flag professionals.
- Submit our application for the Bronze Equaliteach Award and continue to work towards silver.
- Extend the CORE Curriculum which we offer to all students, enhancing it through assemblies and workshops focusing on key themes or emerging issues.
- Invite external speakers who represent diversity in our community to talk and work with our students and parents.
- Continue to help students gain equal access to all opportunities by using data to understand and then support their decision-making.
- Encourage employer partners and education providers to work with us to increase student opportunities to meet or learn about professionals with disabilities or from other under-represented groups.
- Through Parent Voice, ensure parent and carer's views are heard when responding to emerging needs.
- Work towards increasing the diversity of our workforce.
- Listen to student voice regarding their enrichment choices and develop accordingly.
- Expand our EDI calendar when building awareness of challenges faced by under-represented groups. All curriculum areas are able to make reference to this in their teaching. Students are prompted to engage with these issues through our EDI activities. Examples include Gypsy, Roma and Traveller History Month, Black History Month and Autism Awareness Month.
- Continue to ensure parents are able to translate college communications, providing effective translation services when necessary.
- Continue to use participation data to examine how protected characteristics within our population might affect student outcomes. We are aiming for equal student participation in enrichment opportunities, work experience and next steps.
We celebrate and encourage the coming together of different people and communities. We believe everyone, no matter their identity, should have a positive and safe space to be themselves.
We are currently working towards achieving the Rainbow Flag Award, which is a national quality assurance framework for schools and youth-centred organisations. The award focuses on positive LGBT+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, plus other related identities) inclusion and visibility.
To achieve our vision and to support inclusion, we:
- Celebrate recognised LGBT+ events.
- Promote LGBT+ inspirational figures.
- Learn about LGBT+ issues/discrimination in CORE, ensuring students know how to report and handle this.
- Train staff to support students with - and understand - the importance of using correct pronouns, knowing our students gender identities and reporting LGBT+ phobic behaviours.
- Have LGBT+ student run groups and committees to ensure their voices are heard within college.
For more information about LGBT+ organisations in Manchester:
Follow our social media to see photos and updates about our LGBT+ events.
We will review and update the information here on the website on an annual basis. Progress will be reported to and reviewed by governors twice yearly.
Some awards we've received or are working towards...
We've been awarded the Rainbow Flag Award to show we're a LGBTQ+ inclusive college.

We've reached the Bronze Equaliteach Award on our journey towards achieving Gold.