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Supporting Young People in College with Medical Conditions Policy




What is the Policy for?

The overarching purpose of this policy is to make sure young people have successful and fulfilling lives. This policy sets out specific guidance on the principles that should apply to the management of medical conditions, including the administration of medications. The outcome should be that they can play a full and active role in all aspects of college life including trips, educational visits and residential and extended college activities, such that they remain healthy and achieve their academic potential.  


Who is the Policy for?

The policy applies to all staff employed at Connell Co-op College, as well as members of the College Governing Council.


The Principal is responsible for:

  1. Ensuring all staff are aware of this policy on supporting students with medical conditions, understand their role in its implementation and follow the correct procedures.

  1. Ensuring this policy clearly identifies how the roles and responsibilities of staff who are involved in the arrangements to support pupils at college with medical conditions are made clear to both staff, parents/carers and the young person.

  1. Ensuring all relevant staff are aware of an individual student’s medical condition and needs and include any relevant information as part of the staff induction process

  1. Ensuring that sufficient numbers of staff receive appropriate up-to-date training to fulfil the roles and responsibilities of supporting children with medical conditions i.e. the college is able to deliver against all Individual Health Care Plans (IHCPs) and implement policy, including for example in contingency or emergency situations and management of staff absence.

  1. Ensuring arrangements for whole-college awareness training so that all staff are aware of the college’s policy for supporting students with medical conditions and their role in implementing the policy.

  1. Ensuring that a system is in place which identifies procedures to be followed on receipt of notification of a student’s medical needs.

  1. Ensuring that IHCPs are in place, where appropriate, and developed in consultation with parents/carers, healthcare professionals, relevant staff and (if appropriate) the student.


  1. Ensuring IHCPs are monitored and are subject to review, at least annually, or sooner if needs change.

  1. Ensuring risk assessments relating to the school environment are in place, as appropriate, including consideration for actions to take in the event of emergency situations.

  1. Ensuring risk assessments relating to off-site visits, residential trips and extended college opportunities offered outside the normal timetable are in place, as appropriate, including consideration for actions to take in the event of emergency situations.

13.        Ensuring the notification procedure is followed when information about a young person’s medical needs are received.

14.        Ensuring parents/carers provide full and up to date information about their child’s medical needs by completion of ‘Parent/Carer Information about a Young Person’s Medical Condition’ form (Template A).

Staff Responsibilities:

The Vice Principal Student Services will ensure the following is adhered to within the College

  1. As part of the enrollment process, students and parents are asked to inform the college of any medical conditions which are then recorded as a flag on their Cedar profile for all staff to see. This is visible in the student profile and on the register. The admissions team will ensure all medical conditions are up to date on Cedar as soon as practical at the start of term and will inform SLT/person with responsibility for SEND, of any serious medical conditions of a student at the start of each academic year.
  2. The student services team will then conduct an interview to confirm all information and identify if a risk assessment is needed and/or additional training required for college staff to support the student. Students with the most serious medical conditions have a ‘Serious Medical Need’ flag which will be visible as an urgent message on the student profile.  Teachers of these students will be personally notified of the condition and any steps they may be required to take to ensure the safety and progress of that young person at the start of the academic year
  3. The student services team will ‘check in’ on all students with serious medical needs in their second year of study to determine if there have been any changes to their condition and it’s management. Teachers of these students will be personally notified of the condition and any steps they may be required to take to ensure the safety and progress of that young person at the start of the academic year.
  4. Where necessary, all staff (or a subset e.g. first aiders, catering etc) will also be notified of serious medical conditions if it is deemed necessary to ensure the safety or good progress of the young person.
  5. Students with the most serious medical conditions will be highlighted in the trips process so that if they are ever being taken offsite an appropriate risk assessment be referred to or completed as required and staff attending the trip can be briefed. The EVC will ensure the trip leader has checked whether the names students are on the trip and if they are, the information will be provided to the Trip leader who will disseminate to staff on the trip/the venue as required.
  6. The Facilities Manager will ensure that First Aiders training is up to date and meets the needs of  students with medical needs according to our records. All College first aiders are trained to administer Epipens. Other staff are not trained to do so. Additional training to other staff will be given if the risk assessment deems it necessary and the member of staff consents. All first aiders at the college are volunteers.

Parents/Carers are required to:

  1. Provide the college with sufficient and up to date information about their child’s medical needs and to update it at the start of each college year or, if needs change, by completion of a ‘Parent/Carer Information about a Young Person’s Medical Condition’ form (Template A). This form will be sent to parents at the start of each academic year by email. The College cannot be held accountable if Parents/Carers do not provide correct or up to date information required to ensure the safety and good progress of their child. Students over the age of 18 are responsible for doing this themselves.
  2. If a student has a serious medical condition (ie one which requires emergency intervention), Parents/Carers should inform the college verbally at enrollment of the condition, treatment and indicators  for urgent medical care e.g. serious allergy, low/high blood sugar for diabetes etc.

  1. Carry out any action they have agreed to as part of the implementation of an IHCP.

Student Information

The college requires the following information to be accurate and up to date. Parents/Carers are responsible for notifying us of any changes and for completing or checking this information at the start of each academic year

  • Details of student’s medical conditions and associated support needed at school
  • Medicine(s), including any side effects
  • Medical intervention(s)
  • Name of GP / Hospital and Community Consultants / Other Healthcare Professionals
  • Special requirements e.g. dietary needs
  • Who to contact in an emergency
  • Cultural and religious views regarding medical care

Student’s Role in managing their own Medical Needs

  1. Students at the College will take responsibility for managing their own medicines and medical interventions within the College day
  2. Students are responsible for notifying staff on site if they are unable to do so and require medical support. In this instance parents/carers will be contacted to collect the student or to seek confirmation that they can make their own way home safely or in a taxi. If we have serious concerns about a student an ambulance would be called and then parents/carers notified.
  3. Students with severe medical conditions who carry their own emergency life saving medication must inform the college verbally at the point of enrollment to ensure that we are able to do our best to keep them safe in an emergency situation. All College first aiders are trained to administer Epipens. Other staff are not trained to do so.


  1. Staff must not give prescription medicines or undertake healthcare procedures without appropriate training.  A First Aid Certificate does NOT constitute appropriate training in supporting children with medical conditions.

  1. All staff will be made aware of the College Policy for supporting students with medical conditions and their role in implementing that policy through for example whole college awareness training, involvement in development of IHCPs, staff briefing sessions etc.
  2. Student services staff will be appropriate trained to gather the information the college requires to ensure that students with medical conditions are safe and make good progress.
  3. College first aiders will maintain the required frequency of training.
  4. According to severity a combination of Teachers, a subset of staff or all staff may be notified of students medical condition, the indicators and treatment required to keep the students safe and making good progress
  5. As part of the Trips protocol staff will be made aware of their responsibilities if they are leading or assisting a trip with regards to checking to see if anyone on the trip has a medical condition and if so, what action they might need to take/indicators they might need to be aware of


Where appropriate, an IHCP will be drawn up in consultation with the college, parents/carers, health professionals and any other relevant professionals.

The content of an individual child’s IHCP will be dependent on the complexity of their needs and may include the following:

  • An overview (One Page Profile) of the student’s needs and provision in place in college to manage those needs.
  • A description of the medical condition, its presentation (signs, symptoms, triggers etc) and impact on access to the college environment and learning opportunities.
  • Arrangements around management of medical emergency situations and any additional steps required for trips

Appendix 2 is a FlowChart to guide schools through deciding which elements of the IHCP are relevant to an individual student.

Individual Health Care Plans will be reviewed annually or sooner if needs change


  1. Pupils with medical conditions will be actively supported in accessing all activities on offer including college trips, sporting activities, clubs and residential / holidays. College will make arrangements for the inclusion of students in such activities with any adjustments as required unless evidence from a clinician such as a GP states this is not possible.

  1. Preparation and forward planning for all off-site and extended college activities will take place in good time to ensure that arrangements can be put in place to support a student with a medical condition to participate fully.

  1. College will consider what reasonable adjustments need to be put in place to enable students with medical conditions to participate safely and fully.

  1. College will carry out a thorough risk assessment to ensure the safety of all students and staff. In the case of students with medical needs the risk assessment process will involve consultation with a student, parents/carers and relevant healthcare professionals to ensure the pupil can participate safely.  

  1. Arrangements will be in place to ensure that an IHCP can be implemented fully and safely when out of college. Risk assessment will identify how IHCPs will be implemented effectively off-site and where additional supervision or resources are required.

  1. It is the trip organiser’s responsibility to check the list of students attending the trip against Cedar red flags. The trip plan must be adapted to fulfil any medical needs. A list will be provided when a trip application is made.
  2. it is the trip leaders responsibility to ensure that they, the supporting staff and where appropriate the venue, know how to keep students with medical needs safe


The Principal will ensure that all staff are aware of the college’s general risk management processes and planned emergency procedures.  First aiders will be made aware of any student who has a serious medical condition at the start of the academic year and how best the student is to be supported whilst waiting for an ambulance.

Where a student has an IHCP this will clearly define what constitutes an emergency and describes what to do.  This may include:

  • An Emergency Medical Protocol that details the actions to be taken by staff and supported by specialist training where relevant e.g. seizure management and administration of rescue medication.

  • A Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan (PEEP) that details the actions to be taken by staff to support the student’s evacuation from the building, supported by specialist training where relevant e.g. use of an Evac chair; the PEEP should also detail the actions to be taken by staff to support how staff will manage the student’s medical needs during the evacuation e.g. ensuring appropriate medication is taken outside and is available whilst at the assembly point.

College has a procedure for contacting emergency services (Template C) which is displayed in the appropriate places e.g. office, staff social etc.

At the start of the academic year, SLT will make all staff aware (including first aiders) of any student with serious medical conditions and what to do in the event of an emergency. See template A emergency notes section which should be added to Cedar.


  1. College is aware of the need to manage confidential information sensitively and respectfully, maintaining the dignity of the student and family at all times.

  1. College will disseminate information to key members of staff involved in the student’s care on a needs-to-know basis, as agreed with parents/carers.

  1. Where the student has an IHCP this will be shared with key staff with regular, scheduled re-briefings.

  1. College will ensure that arrangements are in place to inform new members of staff of the student’s medical needs.

  1. College will ensure that arrangements are in place to transfer information on a student’s medical needs to staff during any transition.


Connell Co-op College

Medical information that is gathered at enrollment

Template A

The following medical information was declared at enrollment by your child. Please sign to confirm that it is correct or return with additional information.

Name                                                                Date of Birth

Do you have any medical conditions?

If yes, please list any medical conditions below.

Do you currently receive support with your medical condition from a school nurse or any other medical services?

Are you classed as having a disability?

If yes, please give details.

What is the name of your GP/doctor's surgery?

What is the name of your GP?

What is the phone number of your GP surgery?

What is the address of your GP surgery?

Do you have any identified special educational needs or disabilities (this may include difficulties with language, reading, writing or a diagnosis of Autism, Specific Language Impairment, ADHD or dyslexia)?

If you have answered yes, please give details about your identified special educational needs or disabilities

Template B

Parent/Carer declaration regarding medicines which will be self administered by a student on a regular basis at college

Diagnosis / Conditions

Regular Medicine

1.        Name

        Time Administered

        Side Effects



        Does the child require this medicine to be administered regularly e.g. every day during the school day?

(Please circle as appropriate)

Yes        No

2.        Name

        Time Administered

        Side Effects


Contra-indications (e.g. do not use in the case of)

        Does the child require this medicine to be administered regularly e.g. every day during the school day?

(Please circle as appropriate)

Yes        No

Medicine Administered in a Medical Emergency

1.        Name

        Time Administered

        Side Effects



Mobility - Movement and Walking

Walking Aids Used

Support Needs

Physiotherapy Needs / Programmes

Personal Care

Dressing Needs

Eating / Drinking Needs

Other Information

Parent / Carer Declaration and Signature

  • I agree this is, to the best of my knowledge, up to date and accurate information about my child’s current medical needs.  

  • I agree to my child self-administering their own prescribed medicine as described above
  • I understand that the college cannot hold medicines (with the exception of emergency medicine if supplied by the student)
  • I understand that the college cannot routinely administer medication to my child and can only do so in an emergency if staff have been appropriately trained.

In the event of an emergency my child may need emergency medication as follows  (or state none)

I agree to inform the college of any changes in medical needs or medication, immediately and in writing.

Parent/ Carer’s Full Name (Please print)


Signature         _________________________________________________________

Date         _________________________________________

Procedure for Contacting Emergency Services (Template C)

Requesting an Ambulance

Dial 999     Speak clearly and slowly      

Be ready to repeat information if asked.

You will be asked

  1. Your telephone number
  2. The location you want the ambulance to be sent to
  3. The reason for the call

1.        College’s Telephone Number is:

0161 231 9200

2.        College Name

Connell Co-op college

        College Address

301 Alan Turing Way Beswick

        College Postcode for SATNAV

M11 3BS

        Best Entrance to College Site

Off Wilson Street

        Exact Location of the Patient within the College


3.        Name of Child             Age of Child

        Description of Child’s Symptoms

        Inform if Underlying Medical Condition (Check CEDAR)

        Inform if any emergency rescue medication has been administered e.g. epipen

On Arrival of the Ambulance member of staff to

  • meet crew and escort crew to the patient
  • pass over empty packaging of any rescue medication administered
  • pass over the child’s IHCP or summary letter stating the child's medical condition and medication if applicable
  • inform the parent/guardian the child is now with the ambulance crew.


Connell Co-op College

Medical information that is gathered at enrollment

Template A

The following medical information was declared at enrollment by your child. Please sign to confirm that it is correct or return with additional information.

Name                                                                Date of Birth

Do you have any medical conditions?

If yes, please list any medical conditions below.

Do you currently receive support with your medical condition from a school nurse or any other medical services?

Are you classed as having a disability?

If yes, please give details.

What is the name of your GP/doctor's surgery?

What is the name of your GP?

What is the phone number of your GP surgery?

What is the address of your GP surgery?

Do you have any identified special educational needs or disabilities (this may include difficulties with language, reading, writing or a diagnosis of Autism, Specific Language Impairment, ADHD or dyslexia)?

If you have answered yes, please give details about your identified special educational needs or disabilities

Template B

Parent/Carer declaration regarding medicines which will be self administered by a student on a regular basis at college

Diagnosis / Conditions

Regular Medicine

1.        Name

        Time Administered

        Side Effects



        Does the child require this medicine to be administered regularly e.g. every day during the school day?

(Please circle as appropriate)

Yes        No

2.        Name

        Time Administered

        Side Effects


Contra-indications (e.g. do not use in the case of)

        Does the child require this medicine to be administered regularly e.g. every day during the school day?

(Please circle as appropriate)

Yes        No

Medicine Administered in a Medical Emergency

1.        Name

        Time Administered

        Side Effects



Mobility - Movement and Walking

Walking Aids Used

Support Needs

Physiotherapy Needs / Programmes

Personal Care

Dressing Needs

Eating / Drinking Needs

Other Information

Parent / Carer Declaration and Signature

  • I agree this is, to the best of my knowledge, up to date and accurate information about my child’s current medical needs.  

  • I agree to my child self-administering their own prescribed medicine as described above
  • I understand that the college cannot hold medicines (with the exception of emergency medicine if supplied by the student)
  • I understand that the college cannot routinely administer medication to my child and can only do so in an emergency if staff have been appropriately trained.

In the event of an emergency my child may need emergency medication as follows  (or state none)

I agree to inform the college of any changes in medical needs or medication, immediately and in writing.

Parent/ Carer’s Full Name (Please print)


Signature         _________________________________________________________

Date         _________________________________________

Procedure for Contacting Emergency Services (Template C)

Requesting an Ambulance

Dial 999     Speak clearly and slowly     

Be ready to repeat information if asked.

You will be asked

  1. Your telephone number
  2. The location you want the ambulance to be sent to
  3. The reason for the call

1.        College’s Telephone Number is:

0161 231 9200

2.        College Name

Connell Co-op college

        College Address

301 Alan Turing Way Beswick

        College Postcode for SATNAV

M11 3BS

        Best Entrance to College Site

Off Wilson Street

        Exact Location of the Patient within the College


3.        Name of Child             Age of Child

        Description of Child’s Symptoms

        Inform if Underlying Medical Condition (Check CEDAR)

        Inform if any emergency rescue medication has been administered e.g. epipen

On Arrival of the Ambulance member of staff to

  • meet crew and escort crew to the patient
  • pass over empty packaging of any rescue medication administered
  • pass over the child’s IHCP or summary letter stating the child's medical condition and medication if applicable
  • inform the parent/guardian the child is now with the ambulance crew
