Health & Safety Policy
Connell Co-op College - Health and Safety Policy
The Health & Safety Policy is committed to and guided by the principles of: |
The organisation and arrangements made for carrying out the College's Policy on Health and Safety at work. It will be reviewed periodically in consultation with employee representatives, so as to take account of the requirements of any further legislation, codes of practice or local agreements. A copy of this statement will be brought to the attention of all employees. The Principal will provide leadership in matters of health and safety within the College and will keep the present organisation and arrangements under review, and initiate revision as and when necessary. The Governors of Connell Co-op College recognise their corporate responsibility as an employer to provide a safe and healthy environment for the teaching and non-teaching staff, the students and other people who come onto the premises. They will take all reasonably practicable steps within their power to fulfil this responsibility. It is the intention of the governors that for health and safety purposes the College will apply all health and safety instructions and advice issued by the DfE and the Co-op Academies Trust. The Principal is required to draw up the necessary arrangements to secure compliance with all health and safety requirements, to write them down and to circulate this information to all staff and subsequently to monitor implementation of the arrangements. |
The aims of this Health & Safety Policy are to: |
- Principal’s duties/role
1.1 To pursue the objectives of the Health and Safety Executive’s Guidance in respect of health and safety.
1.2 To set up arrangements in the College to cover all health and safety legal requirements, to produce written statements of those arrangements, and to bring it to the attention of all staff. These statements are to be revised and republished as necessary. To monitor effectively the implementation of the arrangements.
1.3 To be available to any member of staff to discuss and to seek to resolve health and safety problems not solved at a lower level or through the established arrangements.
1.4 To report to the Trust those instances where the Principal’s executive authority does not allow the elimination or reduction to a satisfactory level of a hazard, but to take all necessary short term measures to avoid danger pending rectification.
1.5 To note all health and safety instructions and advice issued by the government and to ensure that they are brought to the attention of all staff. To keep a file of such information together with information and advice published by the DfE and others about the health and safety aspects of the activities carried on in the College, and to make this information available to all staff.
1.6 To keep a list of safety representatives appointed to represent staff at the College, to be readily available to them, and to cooperate with them as far as is reasonable in their efforts to carry out their functions. To receive written reports from safety representatives and to respond in writing within a reasonable time.
1.7 To establish a College safety committee within three months of receiving a written request from two safety representatives of staff at the College.
1.8 To ensure that all areas of the College are inspected once per term.
1.9 To ensure that a system is established for the reporting, recording and investigation of accidents, and that all reasonable steps are taken to prevent recurrences.
1.10 To ensure a system is in place that all visitors, including maintenance contractors, are informed of any hazards on site of which they may not be aware. To ensure that consideration is given to the possibilities of maintenance work affecting students and staff.
1.11 To ensure that new employees are briefed about safety arrangements; in particular to ensure they are given a copy of the College’s statements and the opportunity to read them before starting work.
1.12 To ensure the use of any necessary protective clothing and equipment, and that it is properly maintained and renewed when required.
1.13 To ensure that effective arrangements are in force to facilitate ready evacuation of the building in case of fire or other emergency, and that firefighting equipment is available and maintained.
- Director of Faculty
2. 1 It is the responsibility of the Director of Faculty to ensure that employees are:
- Familiar with the requirements of the College's Safety Policies;
- Made aware of the hazards in their areas of activity;
- Familiar with safe methods of work;
- Aware of action to be taken in an emergency;
- Aware of the First Aid facilities and procedures available.
2.2 To ensure that safety rules and safe methods of work are observed and that protective equipment is utilised where appropriate.
2.3 To inform the Facilities Manager of all accidents and incidents and to assist in the investigation.
2.4 To report any necessary repairs or maintenance work to the Facilities Manager in order to ensure that equipment under their control is maintained in a sound and safe condition.
2.5 To maintain high standards within a safe working environment at all times.
2.6 To participate in consultations with the Facilities Manager and safety representatives and employees in promoting progressive improvements in the safety of activities under their control.
2.7 To review the arrangements concerning health and safety within their departmental area once a term.
- Employees
All employees have the responsibility:
3.1 To comply with safety rules and procedures laid down in their area of activity.
3.2 To take reasonable care to avoid injury to themselves and to others by act or omission whilst at work.
3.3 To use such protective clothing or equipment as may be provided.
3.4 To report all sickness, accidents and dangerous occurrences promptly.
3.5 To cooperate in the fulfilment of the objectives of the College’s Health and Safety Policies.
4.1 Health and Safety Adviser - In the first instance the Facilities Manager will advise on health and safety matters.
4. 2 Other Professional Advice - The Trust is in communication with Arthur J Gallagher who can advise on any health and safety matter. It also employs, within its various departments, persons who are able to give competent advice, e.g. solicitors, architects, engineers and insurance officers. The assistance of these officers will be sought whenever it is appropriate.
5.1 Information
Policy circulars or guidance notes will be issued by the College to Heads of Department so that they may bring them to the notice of appropriate employees and thereafter keep them for reference at the workplace
New employees will, as part of the induction process, be given health and safety information relevant to their work. Supply staff will be given information about evacuating the building in an emergency.
Heads of Department will be issued with relevant sections of the College Health and Safety Policy and it will be their responsibility to disseminate information to appropriate employees.
Copies of the College’s Health and Safety Policy will be kept in the College office. Members of staff should also consult all College policies for further information about the health and safety implications of activities carried out in and outside College.
5.2 Accident reporting and Investigation
Employees must report all accidents and injuries which occur at work. All accidents, whether to employees, students or visitors to the school are reported to the Facilities Manager through use of the Accident Reporting Station where a report form will need to be completed and submitted. In the case of an accident to a student it may be completed by the member of staff who was responsible for the student when the accident occurred, or the student themselves. If a student reports a possible injury direct to the office staff, a member of the office staff should inform the member of staff who was responsible for the student when the injury occurred.
If a major injury occurs on a College controlled activity which takes place outside College, a report form should be completed by the member of staff in charge when they return to College.
Accident report forms are kept by the College so that action can be taken to remove or minimise the risk of future accidents. RIDDOR forms will be sent to the HSE as required under current legislation.
5.3 First Aid
Anyone in need of first aid should go to or inform the Reception who will make arrangement for first aid treatment. All first aid boxes are maintained by relevant members of staff (first aiders). Employees without first aid training should, as far as is practicable, avoid giving any kind of medical aid except in an emergency.
5.4 Evacuation of Buildings in Fire or other Emergency
At the beginning of the College year there is a whole school fire drill so that new students become familiar with the routine. This is repeated as frequently as necessary. Notices describing exit routes are posted in rooms and fire drill rules should be drawn to the attention of students by Tutors at the beginning of the academic year. Instructions on evacuating the building are to be found in each room at the College.
Fire-fighting equipment and fire alarms are serviced annually by contractors.
Representatives from the fire brigade also pay an annual visit to inspect the College and make recommendations.
Emergency lighting has been installed in all buildings.
5.5 Maintenance of Equipment
Employees should check equipment visually and report possible faults promptly to the Facilities Manager who will then take appropriate action. All electrical equipment in the College will be checked regularly by a competent person. Employees should not bring into College their own personal items of electrical equipment nor should they allow students to bring in personal items of electrical equipment.
If anyone suspects a mains gas leak it should be reported at once to the Facilities Manager who will inform the provider.
Boilers are serviced as required by competent persons.
5.6 Dangerous substances, equipment etc.
In the Science Prep room hazard cards are kept. Safety references are built into science schemes of work, so all members of the science staff and, where appropriate, students are familiar with them. Information regarding safety is also available to the laboratory technician. Students have written instructions on safety and the use of protective equipment to which their attention is drawn. Fume cupboards are checked by a competent person appointed by the College. Safe storage for hazardous substances will be provided.
Risk assessments are carried out and CLEAPSS guidelines on workshop safety are adhered to. Electrical equipment is on circuit breakers and there are emergency stops in some rooms.
If an employee suspects the existence of asbestos this should be reported to the Facilities Manager.
Proposals for introducing new apparatus, substances or processes will be subject to consultation with relevant employees and appropriate instructions, training and information will be provided along with the relevant COSHH assessments.
5.7 Hazards
Employees identifying a hazard should report it promptly to the Facilities’ Manager. Interim measures should then be taken pending rectification. The Facilities Manager will where necessary arrange remedial works.
5.8 Environment
Defects in heating, lighting, ventilation etc. should be reported to the Facilities’ Manager who will then be responsible for arranging repairs.
5.9 Infectious Diseases
These should be reported to the College office staff who will follow advice given by Manchester Public Health Department. Employees will be informed of infectious diseases in College and of necessary precautions. Where necessary the HSE will be informed of any reportable disease on the appropriate RIDDOR form.
5.10 Visitors and Visiting Staff
Employees who, during the course of their work, are required to visit premises other than their normal place of work must comply with the health and safety instructions relating to those premises.
Employees inviting visitors into College are responsible for ensuring that they are made aware of safety rules and procedures sufficient to ensure their safety.
5.11 Contractors
The Facilities’ Manager is responsible for all contractors carrying out work in the establishment and for ensuring that measures are taken to secure compliance with the establishment rules and procedures.
Contractors working on or in any department must comply with the working rules and this must be made available to them when they tender or start work.
They must also be responsible for their own tools and equipment.
Contractors should work in a safe manner and conform to any legislation in force at the time, or relevant to the work being carried out. As far as is reasonably practicable, the Facilities Manager must ensure that this is the case. Any apparently unsafe working practice or equipment which could cause a hazard to staff or other users of the establishment will be drawn to the attention of the contractor by the Facilities’ Manager. He will then be responsible for ensuring that the contractor remedies the hazard immediately, or for seeing that the work does not progress further.
5.12 Consultation
We should welcome Workplace Safety Representatives appointed by recognised trades unions in accordance with the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and the Safety Representatives and Safety Committee Regulations 1977.
5.13 Training
The College, supported by specialist advisory staff, will identify needs and secure appropriate training in health and safety matters for employees.
5.14 Monitoring of Arrangements
Heads of Department should review the arrangements concerning health and safety within their departmental areas once a term. Other parts of the College will be subjected to a systematic, critical examination by Facilities’ Manager.
This policy should be read in conjunction with other policies which are part of the College’s procedures for safeguarding all students and staff.
Responsible Staff | Emma Soper - Principal, Jack Brien - Facilities Manager |
Policy administrator | Christine Butterfield. |
Approving body | Governors |
All policies are available to stakeholders either on the College website or upon request from the College Office. |