Why Choose Connell?
If you’re a student aged between 16-19 who wants to study A Levels or BTECs, then we have the best opportunity for your future here in East Manchester.
- We’ve got an incredible brand new, purpose-built building.
- We offer a wide range of A Levels, as well as BTEC qualifications and applied courses.
- Our teaching staff are some of the best in the country, working as examiners and moderators for many other institutions.
- You’ll get free membership to the state-of-the-art East Manchester Leisure Centre just across the road.
- Class sizes are small, and all of our students get one-to-one teacher time with subject experts.
- You’ll be assigned a personal tutor who will be responsible for your academic progress as well as your well-being.
- We’ve got outstanding student support, including counsellors, student experience managers and additional learning support.
- Students get access to leading IT and digital technology.
- You’ll get incredible careers advice and guidance available whenever you need it.
- Fully equipped library with lots of quiet study areas.
- We’ve got social zones throughout college.
- A refectory which offers hot and cold food all day, and sells Costa coffee.
- We’ve got a comprehensive enrichment programme which is available to all students – giving you the chance to experience a range of opportunities and activities outside of the classroom.
We are the perfect place for any student who wishes to go on to university, a higher level apprenticeship or an A Level or BTEC entry job.
We’ll make sure that you are happy, well supported and feel part of the Connell community. When you leave us, you’ll do so as a confident young person with high-quality qualifications. You’ll be set to be able to go along whichever career pathway you choose.
- 83% are planning on attending university
- 97% pass rate
- 65% achieved all grades at A*-C (or equivalent)
- 49% achieved at least one grade B/Distinction or above
- 84% of Triple BTEC students achieved top grades (several were awarded places at prestigious Russell Group Universities)
- 99% pass rate across all of our courses
- 75% of students achieved at least one A*-B (or equivalent)
- 64% A*-C at A Level
- 62% D*-D in triple BTEC
We have a strong focus here on progress.
- On average our students achieved half a grade higher than they were expected to compared to other sixth forms across the country for our BTEC courses.
- Science is one of our real strengths. For example, students on our Applied Science course, on average achieved one and a half grades higher than they were expected to compared to other sixth forms in the country.
- Benefitting from a great relationship with the Co-op, students on our BTEC Business course, on average achieved one grade higher than they were expected to compared to other sixth forms in the country.
- We’re committed to sustainability and students entering jobs in the ‘Green Economy’. Our A Level Geography results were in the top 10% of the nation’s results for progress in 2022.
- Students studying Sports Exercise Science and Sports and Performance were all in the top 25% of national performance for progress. We work closely with MCFC, Nuffield Health and GLL to provide excellent work-related learning opportunities for students on these courses.
- We have a strong offer in facilitating A Level subjects for Law, with A Level English Literature, Business, History and Sociology students all achieved on average higher than expected progress.
- We buck the national trend as our disadvantaged A Level students outperform their peers. We work hard to ensure that a students’ background never limits their academic performance.